Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Tree Unveiling!!

The tree all wrapped up......
Yes, it really is that big, we reached over from the loft to put the angel on the top! (That is Grace standing behind the tree!)

Leyton's Baptism

Grace and Leyton hanging out during the service.....

Grace and Lucy sneaking in the picture with Leyton and his sponsors

Lucy and Leyton having fun after the service

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Making Birdhouses

Last weekend while Dad was hunting we got birdhouse kits at a art/craft store with Mom. This week Dad built them and tonight we put the first coat of paint on them, we think they look pretty good. We will post more pictures as we decorate them......hope the birds like them.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Helping in the barn.....

Even with a broken arm everyone has to do their share of the chores....

Mom teaching Grace a few of the things they used to do in the barn as kids.
Mom said she didn't remember how dizzy these flips make you!