Monday, October 6, 2014

Busy weekend

It seems that every weekend goes by so fast and this one was no exception. 

Last week when Dave was home on Sunday we went and got pumpkins, gold raspberries and a watermelon from White Pine Berry Farm. 

This weekend Susie and I ran a trail run at Willow River state park. It was a nice way to start the weekend. 
Grace stayed with Tina and the kids while we ran. She is a pretty good helper with all the little ones. 
Later on we had Tommys birthday party at Grandma and Grandpas and I got some time to hold Teddy. 
On Sunday we had the 4h banquet. The kids got a lot of prizes. 

It also happened to be my birthday yesterday and I got to spend it with the girls and as we were going to bed last night Lucy told me that she can always tell which one her Mom is because I'm amazing. Pretty great way to end the weekend 😄

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Zoo trip

Yesterday we went to the Minnesota zoo for a backstage feed the stingrays excursion that Dave and I had gotten at a zoo benefit this spring. It was a great day for a trip to the zoo and the kids loved learning about the animals behind the scenes. 
Getting instructions before they feed the stingrays. 

This is one of three sea turtles they have there this ones name is Teddy. And he has to be separated during the feeding or he eats all the food ;)

Lucy the chicken

Sunday, August 10, 2014


It is hard to believe that this month we will have an 8 and 10 year old! The time really does go by quickly. Grace asked for a trampoline for her birthday below are her and Lou trying it out the first night. 

Lucy got the bitty baby doll stroller. 

This is only 8 of the 12 cousins in this picture....we celebrated Lucas birthday with the girls last weekend. 

County Fair

The girls did great at the County Fair this year. It is fun to see them take pride in their projects and the work they put into them. 

Grace during showmanship. 

Lucy and Fiona enjoying some fair food. 


It's been awhile since I've done a post. Summer has been busy and a lot of fun let's try and get caught up to August ;)

I had a work trip in June to New York City. My first time ever in the Big Apple ;)

Fishing with Dad. 

Abby's wedding. 

New cousin Teddy!

All-Star Game fun!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dance recitals!

We had a few days of dance recitals this week and weekend.  It is great to see how much they improve over the course of the year.  Great job girls!  Thank you to everyone who took time out to come watch during a busy time of year! 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Good Neighbor Days

We made it through another round of Good Neighbor Days. The weather held out for us long enough to enjoy the activities. 

Tractor pull
Grace filling the food stand fridge with chocolate milk. 
Lucy taking orders in the food stand. 
Camille and Lucy with Brett photbombing them in the background ;) Brett is Camille's dad and they are our neighbors. 
Getting ready for the parade. It is the 100th year of 4H so they were supposed to bring a favorite part of the fair. Lucy brought a dog and Grace brought a chicken. 
The whole group with Ronald McDonald in the background. 
A little rain during the parade. Lucy is under the flower umbrella. 
Grace passed out candy. 

Grandparents Day 2014

The girls had a great time at Grandparents day with Grandma Krumm and Aunt Kathy. Thank you guys for coming!

Grace was one of the master of ceremonies for the program. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Masquerade dance competition!

We had a great time at Masquerade dance competition this weekend.  The kids did a great job. Jessie, Lauren and Ella came to watch, thanks for making the trip guys!  Lucy said her stomach was extra nervous when she woke up because her cousins were going to be there ;).