Monday, October 6, 2014

Busy weekend

It seems that every weekend goes by so fast and this one was no exception. 

Last week when Dave was home on Sunday we went and got pumpkins, gold raspberries and a watermelon from White Pine Berry Farm. 

This weekend Susie and I ran a trail run at Willow River state park. It was a nice way to start the weekend. 
Grace stayed with Tina and the kids while we ran. She is a pretty good helper with all the little ones. 
Later on we had Tommys birthday party at Grandma and Grandpas and I got some time to hold Teddy. 
On Sunday we had the 4h banquet. The kids got a lot of prizes. 

It also happened to be my birthday yesterday and I got to spend it with the girls and as we were going to bed last night Lucy told me that she can always tell which one her Mom is because I'm amazing. Pretty great way to end the weekend 😄