Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Snowflake Dance

Grace had her first Snowflake Dance last night, she invited Grandma but the whole family got to go, so here are a few pictures. This is Grace dancing with Lauren from school.

This is Grace with Nina from her class.

Grace and Grandma
Lucy dancing with Mom.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Enjoying the snow!

This afternoon we went outside and enjoyed the warm weather while the snow was still here!

5 kids + 4 adults = MOA!!

Yesterday we ventured out to the Mall of America with our cousins, Lauren, Leyton and Ella. Here we are going into the mall....

Eating lunch at Rainforest Cafe....

Hanging out at J.Crew while our Moms shopped......good thing they had these open areas for us to run wild for awhile.
All in all it was a good day and when it was all said and done, most of the shopping they did was for us!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Our first egg.......guess what color it was!

Well the chickens that Grandma and Grandpa gave us for our birthdays produced their first egg yesterday (must have been the so called heat wave we had this week that did it!). The best part about it, it was a green egg!

Needless to say we were so excited about it that the egg never made it to the fridge, we carried it around the kitchen taking turns holding it and yes, the inevitable happened, we dropped it! Oh well, here's to hoping there is another one out there today!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekend Fun

This weekend we have been busy and the Packer game hasn't even started yet! We went and picked out new fabric for new blankets, we told Mom and Dad we would throw our old blankets out when these ones are finished (we'll see!).

We also tried some outdoor ice skating after church today. For some reason 11 degrees didn't feel as warm as it sounded, but it was a good time.

Going to the Dentist

We had 6 month checkups at the dentist this week. It was Lucy's first trip and she did great, Grace is an old pro at it now and the good news is that we have no cavities!

Watching Basketball

A couple of weeks ago we went to Mom's cousin, Andy's basketball game with Lauren. It was a good time as always with lots of family there (Looks like something pretty interesting was going on when Mom took this picture)!