Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lucy's Christmas Program

Lucy with Great-Grandma Krumm and Grandma Pam after her concert.
Lucy singing with her class, it was a very cute program.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Disney on Ice

We went to Disney on Ice tonight at the Excel Center. The girls had a good time and of course brought home a few souvenirs. We had great seats with Grace's Daisy Troop.

Flounder and Ariel -Lucy loved this one.

Grace and Ellie with their twirling, light up Tinkerbell wands.

Lucy with her light up singing Ariel wand.

The start of Christmas Concerts

Last night was the start of the girls' Christmas programs. Grace's school program was yesterday and she did a great job. Thanks to Grandma Pam, Great-Grandma Krumm, Abby, Aunt Sue and Uncle Don for coming to watch!
Grace with her friend Ellie from school.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Movie Time

Over Thanksgiving weekend we went and saw the new Disney movie, Tangled in 3D. The movie was really good and the candy, soda and popcorn weren't bad either!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

More fun in the snow!

We continued our fun in the snow today. We took our sleds out to Grandma and Grandpa's to try out the hill by the barn.
We made the whole family in snowmen while Dad was working on the kitchen project.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Snow..

The girls woke up early this morning and were pretty excited about the first snowfall! They were sledding by 7:22am!

Lucy isn't mad about being outside, just that Mom wanted her to pose for a photo!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Addition Update

Here is an update on the addition. Dad is definitely making good progress. Thanks to everyone who has come over to help with some of the heavy lifting. We are supposed to get the windows tomorrow, so weather pending hopefully we can get them set!

Monday, November 1, 2010


We had a great time trick or treating last night! Thanks to all of the family that gave us more candy then we know what to do with!

Weekend with our Cousins!

We had a busy and fun weekend with our cousins this weekend. Sunday afternoon we needed some fresh air so we went to the park in Deer Park to play and see the big deer (sorry he was too far away to get a good picture).

Cousin train on the slide, does anyone remember this??

Lucy going down the twirly pole.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Progress in the hole

Dave and all of his helpers (there were others besides Lucy!) made a lot of progress this weekend. The footings were poured Friday morning, the block laid on Saturday and layout for the slab that is being poured tomorrow, thats what Lucy is helping with below.
I love this one with the finger holding her one eye closed!

While Dad was busy working, we had time to head to Woodbury Lakes with Grandma, Aunt Jessie, Lauren and Ella.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Fest at St. Croix Central Elementary

We went to the fall festival at Grace's school tonight. The girls had a good time and saw quite a few of their friends.

Yes, there was a skunk as part of the petting zoo.

Grace and our neighbor Mackenzie with their CRAZY hair!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Changes at the Mansell Residence

We all came home to a hole in the front of the house and a BIG dirt pile today. Dad is in Nebraska but that didn't stop him from starting the kitchen project today. Between him and Mom there is no way this project won't be finished on time (not sure what the timeline is?)!
Lucy is pretty proud of the dirt pile and was game for climbing right away.
The pictures don't do it justice but there is a ton of dirt in front of our house, it looks like we dug a new house foundation from the road!

If you come to visit us in the next few weeks, please don't use our front door! Come on in through the garage!
We will try and keep the blog updated as the construction progresses, it should go fast afterall Jack Frost is nipping at our heels!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Visit to North Carolina

We went to North Carolina this weekend to visit Jill and Kenny. It was great to see them and we had a blast going to the Fire Station, Children's Museum, a movie, swimming, and of course lots of eating and a little shopping too. Thanks for being such great hosts Jill and Kenny!

At Jill and Kenny's house....
At the fire station Grace trying on one of the coats.
Grace and Jill in their firefighter hats!

Mom, Grace and Lucy on the firetruck.

Outside of the Marbles Children's Museum.

Kenny and Grace building something..........

Mom helping Lucy build something (all of the treasures we made survived the plane ride home too!)

Mom and Grace working on dressing a dog.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Nice Fall Day...

This afternoon we went up to our land to check Dad's trail camera and enjoy the great fall day.
The girls had fun picking up leaves and sticks along the walk.

They carried this BIG stick almost all the way around the property and finally put it down, they really wanted to bring it home.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Our new toy.....

We got a new toy today. The girls were definitely more excited about it then I would have thought. Dad already promised to bring it out to Grandma and Grandpa's to ride around the fields tomorrow (we aren't allowed to make paths around our yard =), we will have to see how long that lasts!).
We need to get helmets for the girls, Lucy was a good sport and wore her Dora bike helmet.