Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's been awhile........

So, we didn't really stop doing the blog, it's just that the last 4 months kind of got away from us!  We have been busy with end of school year stuff.  Girls Scouts, dance and school are all officially done and we can't believe how fast the summer is going by.  Here are a couple of highlights from the last few months.

Lucy graduated from Kindergarten and will be a 1st grader next year and Grace will be in 3rd grade!  Can't believe how fast the time goes.  The girls both had their dance recitals.  Summer has been a blast so far with the addition of the pool in the backyard.  The girls have some great tans going!  We have been fortunate to spend a ton of time with our family and friends and plan to do so for the remainder of the summer.

We are going to try and be better about posting after our little hiatus, so here are a few pictures to get us caught up........

Lucy is playing tball this year.  She is 3rd from the right in the front row.  She likes to run the bases but doesn't care much for playing in the field and usually comes in to bat with a few new 'crystals' (rocks from the field) for her collection.
 Lauren and Lucy after Lucy's dance recital, thanks to everyone that came out to watch!
 Grace going down the slide for the first time, we were pretty excited to get in there the first night so yes that is a pool guy still working on laying the last few pieces in place!
 The girls performing their water routine.

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